Florida – Day 4, Crabs and Sea Stars

​We are having so much fun in Florida!  It is just the vacation that we need after a fun but long winter.  Today we found more fun crabs and beautiful sea stars on the sand bar.  


Forida beach

​It was a beautiful day at the beach!

Looking toward park

​We walked out to a sand bar.  It was pretty far out, but not as far as this picture makes it look.  It was amazing that it was shallow the whole way and then got really shallow at the sand bar.  There was a nice German couple that came out and we talked with for awhile and our children showed them all the treasures we can find on a sand bar such as the sea stars and sand dollars. 

sea star
more sea stars
toddler with sea star

​We laughed so hard because our son saw this cool chair that a woman was sitting in, in the water and went over to talk with her and see the chair.  Before long we saw him sitting in it and her standing in the water.  

water chair

​There are so many fun people to meet.  One family we always look forward to each year is the shark fisherman and his family.  They have a huge group of children and grandchildren and some of the adults specialize in fishing for sharks.  They set up this kiddie pool for their grandchildren and other children to see some sea life.  Then they look at it for a day and they let it all go at the end of the day.  This day they had a calico crab which was so much fun to see.  

swimming pool

Everyone looks forward to a trip to the town where they can buy their souvenirs.  

​Our children LOVE meeting all of the different dogs that are here,

and all of the owners of those dogs.  This one has it made on his owner's bike.

dog in bike basket

​Even though it is mostly RV's in this park, you can camp in a tent as well.  I personally do not enjoy tent camping in the sand (we camped in our tent in Virgin Islands National Park and in Texas on the beach), but it can be done and if it is the only way to get a place this close to the beach, it might just be worth it.  

tent by RV in Florida
Family Fun Camping saying I'd rather give my children a life of adventure than a house full of stuff and a life full of activities