
Camping With Littles




Family Fun Camping Logo

"Several years ago, we interviewed healthy families across the country and asked them each the same question: 

‘What do you believe is the main reason you are all so close and happy as a family?’ ​ 

What we found amazed us.  Each family gave basically the same answer: ​ 'We do a lot of activities together.’  

Upon further study, we discovered these families also had one particular activity in common - CAMPING."

- Dr. Gary Smalley, The Smalley Relationship Center

Our children love us to tell them stories!  We re-live many stories around the dinner table that have happened as a family.  Many of our favorite and most told stories have taken place while camping.

I have talked with many moms that say they will send their older ones with Dad to camp, but the baby or the toddler is just too hard to take camping.

Now there may be times when it is a short trip or an overnight trip to just send the older children (like this experience here we let the boys snow camp in the snow quinzee in our backyard and Momma and the girls snuggled into their nice warm beds)​​.  But had that been a longer trip and not just our backyard, we would not have wanted to miss out.​​

Would you want to miss out on all the great memories, bonding as a family and being apart of favorite family stories and memories if you don’t go?  Wouldn’t your children love to have memories of mom and baby being apart of some of their favorite memories and stories growing up?

Momma exploring with children in Grand Tetons

If we could show you ways and helpful tips to camp well with littles would that help you?  Would it help you take the steps to go camping with your family?

​Most children love to camp and will thrive in that type of outdoor setting. But… camping with little ones is usually not a vacation and can be hard work. However, it is worth it for the whole family to be together making memories and having shared experiences.

I admire my friend who went camping with her family at our church campout for the first time.  She has 4 boys and the littlest one was up all the first night.  She got no sleep…  those nights are really long!  But she made it, the coffee tasted extra good that morning, and the next night was better.  I am sure that she did not enjoy that first night at all and wanted to go home to her comfy bed for herself and her toddler.  But she and her husband came back from that trip and bought a pop-up camper because her children loved camping.  She is a wise woman!  Whether she likes camping or not after that first experience, she has made it a priority to keep her whole family camping together, and one day it will be easier.

​There are plenty of ways to get outside and enjoy nature daily from home which are very important, but there is nothing like having to spend the whole day outside with your family, away from all of the distractions of home and media, exploring and having fun together in an intentional way and then sleeping outside in a tent.  It creates bonds and memories that will last a lifetime.

Camping with littles can be hard, but it is GOOD for the whole family to be together!
Family at Rocky Mountain Lake
Baby camping

Our youngest that we ever took camping was two months old. 

We camped in the Grand Tetons for 10 days one fall with a 12 month old, 2, 4, and 6 year old.  

Then the next year in Rocky Mountain National Park.  

This summer as we embark on a 4 week camping trip, we will have an 18 month old, 4, 6, 7, and 10 year old.  

But the biggest and craziest camping trip we ever took was a two week trip with family where we had to be up and ready to leave before 7am, and took us to a new camping spot every night with a 1 and 3 year old.  We were really good at putting up and down our tent quickly (not exactly a type of trip I would recommend with littles or a trip to begin camping with).  That summer we drove 9,000 miles coast to coast diagonally in our car with two littles and no videos at that time.  That was a crazy trip, but there are many great memories from it.  

There are many more trips we could mention, but those are some examples to say that we are not strangers to camping with littles.

​ I am no different that any of you, and I enjoy time with my family.  I want to be together camping no matter how many littles we have.  You can do it too!  Together we will explore ideas, helpful tips and resources to help you camp well with your littles.

Come with us and explore how you can camp with littles.

What are the things stopping you from camping with your littles?

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