How To Safely Take A Scooter On A Camping Trip

​Scooters are a fun easy and a small item to take on a trip.  The compact nature of a scooter to fit under a seat is hard to beat.  


Getting around a campground or park on a scooter is fast and fun on a scooter.​  

Bikes are great as well but take up a lot of room and can be a lot of work getting them on and off the bike rack.  

Where To Pack A Scooter

We have always figured out a way to fit scooters in, on our trips. 

The key packing spot for scooters on trips is under the back seat of our minivan.  

The folded in half scooters fit perfectly under the back seat where other larger items can’t.

While family camping and using scooter we spot dear near road

​Notice Dear Near the Road

​Truth Be Told

​We have taken a large stroller on 4,500 mile road trip and never used it!!!

Crazy right!  

But we have never taken a scooters on a trip and not utilized them to the fullest.

​Not All Love Scooters

​Here’s the deal you love scooters to get to the bathroom quick or wherever but not everyone else.  

Most if not all National Parks we have visited have signs saying no scooters.  Has that stopped us no.  

Why not?

​Convincing Others To Love Scooters

​We take safety serious when it comes to scooter riding.  Knowing most people and campgrounds don’t like scooters we must be extra sensitive in how to use them.

Our mandatory equipment for scooter riding is a vest and helmet.  

Son Showing sister how to safely scooter with vest and helmet

​Brother Teaching to Wear Vest and Helmet

​When a ranger sees a child on a scooter with a vest and helmet we have yet to be told to stop even though that is the “rule.”  

The bright and reflective vest allows you to be more easily seen especially in the morning and evening hours.  

​The helmet might be a little over the top but after some crashes it has proved necessary.  

It has saved our sons and daughter from some serious crashes they took where without it we may have had to go to the hospital.

Yes even I where the helmet and vest.  I can’t ask my children to where the vest and helmet if I don’t.

We are very strict about our children riding their scooters with a helmet and vest.

​Note: Because a vest and helmet is all they have known to where it is a non issue when we get them out, to them it is like putting on a shirt.

More Safety Tips:

Set Up Boundaries At Campsite

​We set up boundaries where they can scooter at the campsite.  We want to visually be able to see them.  The road boundary is usually from our campsite to the next. 

I choose a tree, rock, post or whatever significant at one end and same at the other.  I then have them scooter to it and touch both boundaries.  

I then, on and off watch and if they go past I go and have them take a break because they didn’t obey.  

As we continue camping the boundary usually lengthens as long as they have honored the boundary.

​Yell Car

​When a car is seen in the road we yell car to alert our children and we have them say it as well to confirm they see it and to alert their brother or sister. 

Once they hear car the scooter goes to the side of the road and stops until the car passes.  

Even when we are all out together scootering we stop every time a car is coming and let it pass.

Getting water to campsite via scooter

Easy Trick to Bring Water to Campsite

​Why Take A Scooter On A Trip?

  • Simply: they are fun to ride.
  • Get’s you to and from the bathroom/office/store quicker without driving.
  • Makes hauling water back to the site fun.
  • Evening light parades (we love scootering around the park at night with our lighted scooter wheels, creates a lot of fun)

What would you add to the list?

Scooters, helmets and vests are a must for us on every camping trip.

  • Lovely just what I was searching for. Thankss to the author for taking his time on this one.

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