Setting Up Boundaries For Children at the Campsite

​What To Do First When You Pull Up to a Campsite?

​At the top of the list must be setting boundaries for your children and/or animals.  If you fail to set up boundaries while you are unpacking and setting up camp you may find out all your help has wondered off and to where you have no idea.


We like to have a boundary conversation in the car even while pulling up.  Everyone is eager to jump out of the car and run and play, which is great, they just need to know the boundary to play and freedom.

​Our basic rule to setting a boundary at a campsite is that you must be seen from the picnic table.  

​The picnic table only because that is usually about the center of the campsite.

Family fun camping setting up campsite boundaries

​How To Set Up A Boundary

​Standing at the picnic table look for obstacles that you could use as clear boundary markers and establish them a full circle around your campsite.

​This also gives you the opportunity to scan your campsite for any possible hazards you may have not seen prior (if any hazards are noticed see if you can do something about them or at least alert your children).

​Next you stay at the picnic table and send your child(ren) out to each boundary marker in the full circle around your picnic table.  This way the child(ren) know the boundary and is a double check for you that you can see them still.

Good idea to set a time limit or snack award and to let them know they can explore after a snack or setting up the tent. Because setting the boundary can turn into exploration at one spot which is fine but they need to know the entire boundary.  

Family Fun Camping making boundry game

​Turn the Boundary Making Into A Game

​​After children know the boundary close your eyes at the picnic table and point in a direction and then the children have to run to the boundary in that direction where pointing while you count to ten then open your eyes.  Repeat and do as long as you like.


​Boundaries we like:  Road, vehicle (we can’t see them on the other side of our van), River/stream, hiking trail or trail to bathroom, distinguished trees upright or on ground, and neighbors campsite.

​Review: Setting up Boundaries at Campsite

  1. ​Conversation in car setting up talk at picnic table
  2. Picnic table scan for boundary markers and hazards
  3. Child connects to all boundary markers you direct them to

​Setting up boundaries takes a little effort but it allows your children to know there freedom and for you to rest assured your children are close and safe at your campsite.
