
Category Archives for "Our Adventures"

Florida Day 3 – Osprey, Shark, & Lightening Whelks

Day 3 arrived with a beautiful morning!  We love camping here at the beach!  This community is so much fun and our children love to greet people as they are walking by. They just step out the door in the morning and have lots of sand to play with and dig in until breakfast is served.  As we eat breakfast we are wondering what wonderful things we will discover on our walk this morning on the beach.  Every day is different and it is exciting to see what has washed up the night before onto the sand.  Today we found lots of lightning whelks, saw two osprey fightning in the air over a fish and watched a shark fisherman catch a shark.  

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Florida Day 2 – Stingrays, Egrets, Pelicans & Sunscreen

​Day 2 in Florida we woke up and got ready for our day, which entails putting sunscreen on everyone!  

The first time we came to Florida we went on a walk in the morning on the beach the first day without sunscreen.  We stayed out too long as the sun rose higher and higher, and then by the time we got back to our camp the children were already covered in sand making it so hard to put on the sunscreen.  We all got so burned the first day of our trip that year.  

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Camping In The Snow With Children

​We received our first big snow in several years.  School was cancelled the night before because of the impending snow forcast saying this was going to be a big snow.  By the end of three storms we had 13 inches or more on the ground.  My three boys had wanted to make a snow quinzee (aka igloo, “snow tent”) for some time but weren’t getting enough snow.  I had made several quinzees pre children and even post but it was the years my boys couldn’t help.  This year what ever reason my boys decided let’s build a snow quinzee.  I have slept in the snow numerous times but never in a snow quinzee.

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