
Category Archives for "Getting Started"

How to Build a Quinzee in Three Easy Steps

​Building a snow quinzee is straightforward and easy, if you know and do some simple steps.  First let me explain the word snow quinzee vs. igloo.  A snow quinzee is made from a pile of snow and then digging it out vs. an igloo is made from blocks of snow being stacked.  I have never made an igloo completely only started and gave up making the blocks.  Whereas, making a snow quinzee is easily made in a day.

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Don’t Leave Home Without Doing This!

Have you ever left home on vacation and then heard news there is massive flooding in your hometown?  Or you start your vacation and worry the entire time that maybe the hot water tank started leaking.  Or ​you might be sitting around on vacation talking with friends sharing stories and your “friend” tells you this crazy flooding story about people going on vacation and coming back to their house wrecked by a burst water pipe.  If you ever go on vacation and then worry the entire time about flooding, this device will help you sleep at night on your vacation.

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You Need To Know Your Family Needs This

What is one thing that will bond your family? Does your family doctor have the right pill to bond your family? Does the school have the answer to bond the family? Does the music director have the answer? Oh maybe it is the superbowl champion sports camp that will bond the family. Unfortunately, all these people may bring your family together for an event or two but five years from now at the family gathering you will probably not be talking about the recital you went to, unless something out of the ordinary happened, or you are like my son that remembers everything.

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Would You Do It For Your Children?

Vote Yes for the Children! Election time is always an interesting time as you learn your neighbors preferences for what they are voting for by the sign(s) in their yard. We are currently coming upon the time our small community votes for school board members and other town elected offices. One sign has been bothering me around town and I have even seen it as a magnet on cars. The sign reads, “Vote Yes for our Children!” Sounds like something to get behind and say yes I will vote yes for our children for sure no question. Who would say no to their children, right? Children are our future. Well if children are our future why do we to often treat them like they have no future. Why do I say this? When was the last time you stopped and actually listened to your son or daughter and asked deeper questions? When was the last time you played with him or her? When was the last time you ate together as a family? Remember children are our future and we need them to believe it by how we live!

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How to Pack Your Car for the Family Camping Trip

Have you ever gone on a trip and encountered this:

  • The first planned lunch somehow ended up in the bottom of the food box.
  • The interior of the car is filled with all the last minute “I almost forgot items” and thus the necessities for the drive are buried or “lost.”
  • You open the door at the first bathroom stop and three things fall out of the vehicle.
  • Oh yes it is raining and honey did we bring the umbrella?
  • It is at night and you are rummaging through the car as you can’t find your flashlight!
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